Tuesday 20 August 2013

Design, Data and Visual Hierarchy

Please read the linked post here and answer the following prompts in groups, be prepared to share your best thoughts with the class:

1. What are the graphic design decisions required to support the creation of infographics?
2. What is meant by the 'architecting' of the visualization?
3. Analyze the Titanic infographic in terms of color combinations, text used, text style (font style), and use of images in the infographic.

Please watch the youtube movie linked here.

Answer the following questions in groups, be prepared to share your best work with the class:

1. When creating data visualizations, where does the designer start?
2. What are the basic principles of data visualization?
3. What do you think is meant by the concept of visual hierarchy?

Switch groups. Watch this TED talk by Jer Thorpe of the NY Times. 

1. Discuss with your group ideas for data visualization. What are some topics that could be ripe for research and visualizing the results? Please write ideas on individual post-it notes and place on a whiteboard around the room.

Look at some examples of data visualization on the Flowing Data website.

1. Discuss with your group which visualizations you think are particularly successful, which are not?

Visit the following artist sites. Select your favorite visualizations and discuss with your group the design characteristics in terms of text, color, images/vector images used, are photographic images used or not:
1. Fernanda Viegas
2. Martin Wattenberg

Switch Groups: Watch the following Ted Talk by Aaron Koblin

1. Discuss Koblin's work with your group. Why do you think he is on the leading edge of data visualization? How does he humanize data? How does he make a connection to audience with design and his work?

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