Friday 30 August 2013


Today you will determine how you will obtain the dataset for your infographic. This could be done in at least two ways:

  1. Internet research 
  2. Surveys ( or google forms)
Once you determine your method, you will begin your research. You may also use a combination of internet research and surveys. If survey, who will you survey and when?

In your groups, answer these questions in a google doc or word file. When complete, upload here.


Method of research:
Topic for Infographic:

3 key questions you will research or ask:

3 key things you are hoping to find

How might you display the data? (chart/graph/map etc)

When you obtain the data:
What have you learned from your research/surveys?
What is something you can infer from your research?
What might be a good headline?
What supporting facts will you have?
What supporting visuals will you have?

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