Sunday 20 October 2013

Character Personality

How can an animator reveal a character's personality? To help answer this, think about an animated character from a TV Show or Film. How would you describe the personality of that character? How was that personality revealed in the TV Show or Movie?


  1. An animator can reveal a character's personality through his body image, his facial features, and through his actions.

  2. an animator can reveal a characters personality by making it sound funny or serious, however the animator makes his tone of voice, and making his character have good frame rate to look like the character the animator wants it too

  3. An animator reveals character personality through his stature, and also his expressions.

  4. A animated character in a cartoon has similer characteristics to a live human. The animators give the cartoon a character, personality etc. The same thing that a actor in a non animated show has.

  5. Character's personalities are exhibited through their most common facial expression, their actions and reactions to events, and the way they are drawn/modeled.

  6. The animator can express the personality of the character through their gestures, speech, and their interaction with their environment.

  7. Personally, I think an animator can reveal a character's personality by the way the the character looks, facial expression, where the character lives, and the character's past.

  8. An animator can reveal a character's personality by giving them physical appearances/body features and clothes that help show what he's like. For example, if the character has an angry facial appearance and clothes with spikes and chains, you could infer that the character has an aggressive, violent personality.

  9. Through gesture. For example, Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh shows his personality with his head being down and his ears drooping all the time. His gesture defines his personality.

  10. Animators show the characters personality by animating how they react specifically.

  11. The animator can have a character wear different colors and tones to give a visual representation of the characters mood or personality. Animators can also take advantage of body language that can show what the character feels without having to verbally state it.

  12. The physical appearance of a character often shows the personalities of characters. The way the character talks and the choices they make in their life also shows the personalities of the character.

  13. An animator reveals a character's personality from their clothes, their face like from the eyes, and from the way a character talks. Like that little girl from Despicable Me. She saw a unicorn stuffed animal and yelled out that it was so fluffy and then hugged it to death.

  14. An animator can display the characters personality by facial expressions that the character is drawn with and the way the character moves or acts with and around other characters.

  15. Animator can give the characters lives. The personalities can be revealed by action, words, emotional appeal, facial expression etc. For example, Mickey Mouse is smart and Donald Duck is funny which are shown through their action, communication and relationship between them.

  16. The personality of a character can be revealed by the way that they are drawn; for example, many Looney Toon characters are drawn based on a template corresponding to a certain personality archetype. Other ways that a character's personality can be revealed are by the facial expression and the minute details of a character's response to an event, such as the slight jump at a sudden noise.

  17. The character can be described by how they move, talk, and look. For example SpongeBob always wears the same outfit of shorts, shirt, and tie which gives the character a dorky feel. His limbs and face move in a way that provides a unique silly and "sponge" feel to him.

  18. The type of style that the animator uses primarily affects the physical appearance of the animation. 3D animation brings the character to a more realistic perspective, while 2D animation is flat and is less realistic (not of this world). Another aspect that affects the personality of a character is the way it actually looks and how it moves. For example, Wall-E is very run-down, showing its lack of potential. Yet, he becomes the hero of the plot. He is a robot, and the animator decided to give feelings and emotions to his eyes, which made the character more relatable.

  19. An animator can reveal a characters personality through they're actions and looks. For example, Wall- E is portrayed as an innocent robot who is very curious. An animator shows this by having Wall-E be the only "living" thing on Earth left, making him more curious about the space ship which gets him into a lot of trouble. The way he questions everything in his ship explains his innocents as all he knows is the good and not the bad...

  20. Well...., let's take wall-e. Xe's an rolling garbage robot who's the only robot left on earth. Xis only friend a small cockroach. Because xe's had no interaction with other robots, wall-e is very socially awkward. Xe's also very curious.

    All of this is shown through xis clunky movements and wide-"eyed" oogling. Xis hands are always in front of xim as if xe was nervously fidgeting with xis fingers.

  21. An animator can reveal a character's personality through facial expressions, their actions and their speech to other characters. For example, without Wall-E's facial expressions, we wouldn't know what the robot was thinking.

  22. You can see alot of a character's personality just by his actions and dialogue and appearance. The way he walk, his posture, his accent, the way he talks to others, his tone, the way he dresses etc. In the movie Tokyo Godfathers, there is a homosexual homeless man who proudly expresses his views and confidently presents himself to others. (the way he walks, talks and runs isn't masculine at all) He isn't afraid to show emotion and is quite sensitive. He likes to be called Ms. Hana. :)

  23. you can ditermen a character in movement emotens.

  24. An animator may represent a character's personality through, aside from the initial design, the character's movement (whether jagged or fluid), their way of speech, and their facial expressions. Take, for example, a man with a stiff posture, little exaggerated movement and a lack of smiles - from this, the animator exemplifies that the character is of a more serious nature (as he refrains from showing many animated facial expressions).

  25. an animator reveals characters personality through characters facial expression
